RenEsco continues to maintain the renovated buildings in long-term.
Usually after renovation, there is a builder guaranty to works done for 2 years. After this term, flat owners should take care about the building themselves.
According to EPC RENESCO maintains the building renovation works and guaranties energy efficiency for 20 years. Now there are maintenance works for the houses where renovation was done 5 years ago.
Save your bUildiNg by SavINg Energy – towards 202 020m2 of deeply renovated multifamily residential buildings
Project unites public and private ESCO service providers. The main target is to introduce with innovative financing scheme in field of building renovation, by achieving overall energy savings of 26 GWH/year and renovating 202020 m2. A major objective is to demonstrate the financial viability of deep renovation via suitable financial engineering of public funds and private capitals.
The aim of the project is to introduce a building renovation model using the opportunitties provided by the Energy Performance Contract at the neighborhood level, thereby promoting tha pace of in-depth renovation of buildings in Riga. In parallel with the renovation of the neighborhood, it is also planned to improve the internal infrastructure of the neighbourhood's yards, such as street, pedestrian and bicycle paths, car parkings, public lightning, children's playgrounds and waste sorting colection facilities. It is planned to attract 22,3 million euros for the renovation of multi apartment buidlings.
Project implementation: 1.09.2023-31.08.2026
Project financing: from EUR funds - 1 422 979 EUR